Some comments...

Posted: 04 Jan 2014 12:24 PM PST

On 'Allah' issue:

IT.Scheiss says:
Happy New Year.
Thanks for posting one of the most sensible commentaries on the use of the word "Allah" for the Almighty God.

One of my Muslim friends objects to the use of "Allah" by Christians on the grounds that Muslims regard Allah as one, whilst Christians believe in one God as a trinity - i.e. the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Ghost - or perhaps one could say three facets or aspects of the one God.
This is the key sticking point Muslims have with the the use of "Allah" for God by Christians.
Another Muslim friend from the Middle East says "Allah" is an Arabic word for God which has been used since before Prophet Mohammad and Islam, so there is no issue.
Not all Christians, including some Roman Catholics agree on the use of "Allah" for God either, since some claim Allah as worshiped by Muslims to have originated as a pagan mood god.
Such issues cannot be resolved in a civil court but must be discussed in a special council comprised of clergymen, prayer and congregation leaders from the two religions, religious and legal scholars, historians and other relevant parties to discuss the issue with cool heads and come to a consensus, with mutually agreed compromises if necessary.
For example, Christians could say "OK! In return to us not using "Allah" for God in Peninsular Malaysia, the government will give us approvals to build more churches" or something like that.
Taking issues such as this to court has resulted in riots and bloodshed, as in the case of the Natrah or Maria Hertogh in Singapore.


Also don't forget the Rodney King case, where the acquittal of police officers responsible for his beating in early 1992 sparked off a huge riot, which saw many deaths and damage to property.


Based upon recent historical experience, this is what I fear could result from reliance on courts rather than dialogue and mutual agreement to resolve the "Allah" issue amicably.

Politicians, NGOs, lawyers and the media should stop using "Allah" as a political football to server their political agenda, whatever it be, and they should not incite clergymen, religious leaders and religious disciples to become tools to advance their agenda.

An ANON says:
Only church that used ALLAH in Sarawak and Sabah is Sidang Injil Borneo (Protestant)not other Churches. I wonder why Catholic Church in Peninsular wanted to use ALLAH. Since 1998, the SIB church started growing bigger in Peninsular,the catholic felt insecure the present of SIB movement which used Bahasa Indonesia Bible.I was told the Bahasa Indonesia Bible which stated God is ALLAH has convinced and influenced the new members to join SIB Church in peninsular especially the young Chinese and Indian.This is the main reason for the Catholic Church change their method of campaign to get new Catholic Members.

An ANON says:
Ummm... may I just interject that what you said are pure nonsense. The court has decided. Matter is closed. Allah in peninsular cannot be used by Christian. Case closed. No issue.
Unless you or other related parties would like to drag this issue out in the open and incite all kinds of unfounded emotions, I'd say you are the one playing the game.

MAAE says:
Orang Islam Malaysia sudah lama mengamalkan wassatiyah dalam kehidupan. Kebanyakannya, secara asas patuh kepada agama, pemimpin-pemimpin kecil dan besar, sentiasa menghormati orang-orang dalam hirerakinya termasuk kepada jiran bukan Islam. Apa lagi mengguna bahasa hina dan kasar.

Persoalannya, budaya mendapat sedikit kuasa, terus menerus menghambat sehingga bujur lalu melintang patah! Malah terdapat Melayu harakiri meliberalkan Islam sehingga hukum hakam dan peradaban Islam itu jatuh pada tahap paling rendah.

Jika Islam itu seperti "sangkaan buruk"dilabel oleh bukan Islam, natijahnya hanya ada Melayu sahaja di Malaysia ini. Bukan Melayu tidak akan berpeluang menjadi warga yang bebas, dinafikan peluang dan tidak diberikan taraf.

Masaalahnya, isu Kristian di sini sudah melampaui batas kontrak sosial dan sensitiviti keagamaan melampau yang di main pihak pembangkang sehingga melanggar undang-undang dan enakmen termaktub.

Kenapa provokasi menjadi amalan?

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