'Tun' for Chin Peng...

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 08:41 PM PDT

If given the opportunity, I think the owners of The Malaysian Insider, Malaysiakini and The Malay Mail would recommend 'Tun' or 'Panglima Gagah Berani' for the late Chin Peng. And if possible, they would replace Tugu Negara (National Monument) with the CPM boss, or at least add his statue to it.

That's how they glorify the man who fought against the Japanese and British army before and after Merdeka.

They called him a 'hero' for that but forgetting the fact how he went against the government and peoples of a free and liberated country years after the Japanese and British left the country. They had forgotten some 20,000 Malaysians - mostly Malays and Chinese - whom the Reds killed and tortured.

Why did CPM continue their struggle before a peace deal was signed in 1989? Because they wanted to rule the country, communist style!

Among Chin Peng's sympathisers are not only Chinese and Malays but also Indians. One of them who was moved by Chin Peng's story is DAP's Klang MP Charles Santiago who said Chin Peng contributed to Merdeka! What an moron he is!
Santiago said he had gone to Bangkok for a meeting with non-governmental organisations and later dropped by the temple where the late Chin Peng's remains were, to pay his respects.
He was seen kneeling and holding a joss stick at a floral dais inside the air-conditioned hall, where the sealed casket bearing Chin Peng's remains was placed, The Star online reported.
Santiago was accompanied by Selangor DAP committee member and former senator S. Ramakrishnan and Aliran exco member Sarajun Hoda. Jelutong MP Jeff Ooi and PKR Batu MP Tian Chua have also paid their respects, but at a different time.
Santiago told The Malaysian Insider upon arrival from Bangkok, "Allowing his remains to be brought back and interred in his hometown in Sitiawan must be seen as a healing process."
He added, "Let history judge Chin Peng."
History? Santiago should learn the history of Malaya and how CPM terrorised our people and 'ate their flesh'!

Insider, Mkini and Malay Mail are providing Chin Peng with too much publicity, including publishing his 'memoir of regrets' and interviewing his relatives in Sitiawan and elsewhere. To them, Chin Peng is an 'icon of Malaysian heroes'!

Journo-blogger Rocky's Bru, in lambasting those who apply sweet flavors to Chin Peng, chided at The Malay Mail and other publications by saying "...Chin Peng was no freedom fighter. He waged war against us long after we, as a nation, had achieved our freedom. He was no patriot. If he was, he wouldn't have waged war against us when Malaya became Malaysia."

His posting An online love letter to Chin Peng, Rocky also hit out at The Malay Mail for publishing Abdullah CD's (former chairman of CPM) last word of praise for his comrade, who died in Bangkok on Sept 16. 
I would not publish Abdullah CD's letter in my portal. The Star did not publish it. The NST didn't, either. Nor would Sinar Harian, Utusan Malaysia, the Mole. Maybe the Rocket would but I believe it didn't. Heck, even the Malay Mail print editor didn't publish it.

Why? The armed campaign led by Chin Peng against Malaya killed more than 10,000 Malayans. Those Commies didn't kill just the soldiers and the policemen, they tortured and butchered ordinary citizens, orang-orang kampung, women, children and old men, anyone who did not support their struggle for power, anyone they suspected to be a talibarut, anyone who stood in their way. No, I will not disrespect the children and grandchildren of Chin Peng's victims by giving someone space to glorify the monster. I will not insult those who gave their lives defending this country against a terrorist, a murderer.
But there they are, equating Chin Peng to Tunku Abdul Rahman and those who fought for our Independence. I guess if DAP rules, Mkini, Insider and Malay Mail would become its mainstream media!

In related development, Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the government will not change its stand on not permitting the remain of Chin Peng to be brought home.
In a report by Umno-aligned daily Utusan Malaysia today, the home minister repeated Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's remark that the former communist leader was not a citizen here, and added that his burial here would lead to his veneration.
"The reason is because he was not a Malaysian citizen, based on information from the National Registration Department. Of course we also know that, if his remains or ashes are brought back, there will be people who will glorify him as an independence fighter or create a memorial," Zahid was quoted as saying by the Malay-language newspaper.
"We are firm in our stand. Like what the prime minister said, Chin Peng cannot enter Malaysia."
The home minister said that such actions would hurt the feelings of war veterans and family members who had suffered under "the cruelty of Chin Peng and the communists".
Najib said last Friday that the 1989 Hat Yai Peace Accord - which allowed Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) members to return to their homeland if they laid down their arms - required those who agreed to the terms to apply for citizenship within one year of signing the agreement.
He claimed that Chin Peng, the former CPM secretary-general, had refused to do so and thus, had relinquished his rights.
I see. He is not a Malaysian citizen because he turned down the offer. His fault laaaar! But going by their reports and publicity, Malay Mail still sees Chin Peng as a hero!

Sympathy and condolences for the Christians

Posted: 22 Sep 2013 10:09 AM PDT

I was having dinner with a few Middle East diplomats at a KL hotel when this news came in - suicidal bomb attacks killed at least 75 Christians in Peshawar, Pakistan.

"Masya-Allah," said a Moroccan diplomat. "The image of Islam is further tarnished. And again, Al-Qaeda will become the main suspect. When will it stop?"

Looking at me, his colleague from Oman said: "Your country is lucky, my friend. But there are already signs of religious extremism here. Pray that it will not lead to calamity." I just sighed.
PESHAWAR, Pakistan — A pair of suicide bombers detonated their explosives outside a historic church in northwestern Pakistan on Sunday, killing 75 people in the deadliest-ever attack on the country's Christian minority, officials said.
A wing of the Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the bombing in the city of Peshawar, saying it would continue to target non-Muslims until the United States stopped drone attacks in the country's remote tribal region.
The latest drone strike came Sunday, when missiles hit a pair of compounds in the North Waziristan tribal area, killing six suspected militants, Pakistani intelligence officials said.
The attack on the All Saints Church, which also wounded 110 people, underlines the threat posed by the Pakistani Taliban at a time when the government is seeking a peace deal with the militants. It will likely intensify criticism from those who believe that negotiating peace with the Taliban is a mistake.
I agree with the Moroccan. Anywhere in the world now, such an attack will fast pin point to Islamic extremists, with Al-Qaeda as the anchor.

While religious fanaticism among other religions is downplayed by international media, the ones carried out by Muslims will immediately go viral. Maybe it helps the foreign news agencies sell their articles.

My heart goes out to the victims in Peshawar, the border city I visited twice between 1998 and 2007 in search of first-hand news about Mujahidin and Taliban. They (the Taliban) did not treat me well, suspecting me of working for the Americans!

And here is another item about Al-Qaeda:
CAIRO, Egypt — Al-Qaeda's leader on Friday marked the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks by calling on followers to strike inside the United States, with big attacks or small, using any opportunity they can to "bleed" America financially.
In an audio message released two days after the 12th anniversary of the attacks, Ayman al-Zawahri said America is not a "mythic power" and that the mujahedeen — Islamic holy warriors — can defeat it with attacks "on its own soil."
Al-Zawahri, the successor to Osama bin Laden, used the anniversary to argue that the United States can be defeated by targeting its economy. At the same time, he also addressed the ongoing upheaval in the Arab world. Pointing to a power struggle going on within the rebellion against Syria's regime, he warned jihadi fighters in that country's civil war not "compromise" with more secular or moderate rebel factions, who he said would eventually turn against the al-Qaeda-linked radicals.

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