Being fair

Posted: 05 Jul 2013 04:07 PM PDT

The Cabinet had on Friday decided to retract the new Administration of the Religion of Islam (Federal Territories) Bill 2013 until a consensus is reached by all parties, including the non-Muslims.

In announcing this, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said the issue of the status of a child's name, in cases where the mother or father of the child converted to Islam, had been discussed at length by the Cabinet taking into consideration the views and concerns of various quarters, including Barisan Nasional component parties.

The bill was tabled for the first reading at the Dewan Rakyat on June 26 by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom.
"The cabinet had agreed that the retraction of the Bill was necessary to ensure that the issue on the determination of the child's religion in such cases was resolved in a fair manner for everyone," he said in a statement, here today.
Muhyiddin said the decision to retract the Bill was also made in order to give ample time to the government and everyone else to review the Bill in a holistic manner.
"The Bill will only be tabled again after getting the agreement of all quarters," he said.
All consequential amendments arising from the formulation of the Administration of the Religion of Islam (Federal Territories) Bill 2013 would also be retracted, he said.
Clause (4) Article 12 of the Federal Constitution provides that the religion of anyone under the age of 18 must be decided by his/her parent or guardian.
I think it is fair that the new Bill goes back to the drawing board. Although Islam is our official religion as stipulated under the Constitution, we need to be fair to the non-Muslims as well.

And I am also of the opinion that the Bill, and any other new Bills, must undergo thorough 'spot checks' before finding its way to the Parliament or the government will become a subject of prejudice and arbitrary measures.

We are not sure how the new Bill got to the Parliament but retracting one after another will only reflect in the government's weaknesses and ineffectiveness.

Who is behind her?

Posted: 04 Jul 2013 11:43 PM PDT

Strange and ridiculous!

What prompted her to go to Kuching? If corruption is what she wants to investigate, she could always stay home and take a sniff at some British politicians as the level of graft in UK is much higher than that of Malaysia.

Clare Rewcastke Brown, the sister-in-law of Gordon Brown was denied entry into Sarawak at Kuching International Airport yesterday and deported to Singapore.
Gordon Brown's sister-in-law has been barred from entering Malaysia after campaigning against a political leader she accuses of corruption.
Clare Rewcastle Brown, a journalist, was detained by authorities and deported to Singapore, from where she had flown to Kuching in the Malaysian state of Sarawak in Borneo.
Ms Rewcastle Brown said she had been blacklisted by immigration officials for her fierce criticism of the state's Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud. 
She runs a London-based radio station, Radio Free Sarawak, and a website Sarawak Report which reports on issues such as corruption and illegal timber logging in the state.
The MACC is investigating the matter and there is no need for foreign 'investigators' to meddle with it.

Corruption is also quite rampant in the UK. So, may as well she focus on efforts to combat corruption in her own country rather than becoming too nosy on others.

However, I am not blaming her totally. A coffee session with some friends, including foreign diplomats yesterday drew our attention to one question - who invited and sponsored her?

Yup, it sounds more political than diplomatic but I believe some of our opposition MPs have the right answer!


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