E-mail from Anwar...

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 09:53 PM PDT

This is an e-mail from Pakatan Rakyat (Anwar's) office.

Please read, digest and try to understand it, will you dear readers? I found this as a desperate approach to woo support amid Anwar's claim that between 50,000 and 80,000 people attended his every single ceramah nationwide.

Why do they need the money for? Buy votes? 
How dare they try to buy this election. The Prime Minister's office has outspent every other advertiser in the country to pay for campaign ads. Why? Because we have the momentum. How dare they claim to have free and fair elections when every single newspaper and television station is spreading lies and misconception about Pakatan Rakyat and we are not given one minute of airtime or allowed to place a single ad. Why? Because we have the momentum. We have the momentum and they are scared.

In six days you will vote in the most important election in the history of Malaysia. Your vote will affect the lives of generations of Malaysians to come. With your help our campaign has built up tremendous momentum. The crowds that are coming to our events from Perlis to Johor and in Sabah and Sarawak are unprecedented.

We need your financial support to keep this momentum going. Will you make a contribution today of RM100, RM200, RM500 or RM2000?

We will not beat BN by outspending them. We will beat BN by outsmarting them. In just one week the Digital Task Force has reached over five million Malaysians who want to change this country. Money cannot buy that kind of impact.

Your contribution will help us to keep fighting to win the 222 seats that PKR, PAS and DAP are contesting.

Your contribution will help us fuel the momentum of our troops on the ground, print posters and signs and help us organize crucial rallies and events around the country.

Your contribution of just RM500 or RM2000 will give the Digital Task Force the resources it needs to bring the truth to the Malaysian people.

You have helped us and your support is appreciated. We could not have made it without you but we're asking you in these last few days to help again. We cannot afford to lose the momentum before Election Day. 
Hey! Don't blame it on BN's propaganda machinery when Pakatan, in many aspects is better off. Mkini, Harakah, Suara Keadilan, Roket, Selangor TV, Malaysia Chronicle and others are getting tags from foreign news agencies.

Go to Google News and Mkini reports are always there, compared to what Bernama, NST, Star or Utusan get on the web.

Who 'buys' and finance the foreign correspondents in Malaysia? Barisan Nasional?

DAP wants a 'Christianised' Malaysia

Posted: 28 Apr 2013 08:21 AM PDT

Its true. DAP is anti-Islam. The Muslims who are members and supporters of the 'undemocratic' party never realised this.

And for that reason, DAP will not allow PAS - its ally in Pakatan Rakyat - to introduce 'hudud', let alone discussing it if the opposition pact wins the 13th general election on May 5 and forms a new government.

No way PAS will get the chance to bring up the matter at the Dewan Rakyat. To DAP, Islam is not a religion but a 'law of nonsense!'

Former PAS deputy president Nasharuddin Mat Isa says:
Bekas timbalan presiden PAS Nasharuddin Mat Isa hari ini mendakwa, satu majlis kesyukuran yang diadakan di Sarawak tahun lalu menganjurkan doa supaya "Malaysia menjadi negara Kristian".
Beliau mendakwa, majlis itu berlangsung selepas pilihan raya negeri Sarawak.
"Saya nak menyebut, dan saya sebut ini untuk mengajak suara ummah menjadi satu, berdepan strategi yang dirancang oleh musuh Allah khasnya di Malaysia ini.
"Selepas pilihan raya di Sarawak baru-baru ini, untuk meraikan kemenangan, parti DAP contohnya, di Sarawak, telah ada satu perhimpunan yang diadakan di satu tempat sebagai majlis kesyukuran.
"Dan dalam majlis kesyukuran itu antara perkara yang disebut dan didoakan adalah doa supaya Malaysia menjadi negara Kristian. Kerana kemenangan yang besar sudah ada doa supaya Malaysia jadi negara Kristian," katanya.
Nasharuddin juga berkata, beliau menimbulkan "isu semasa yang dihadapi ummah" itu dalam konteks dakwah dan realiti politik waktu ini.
Dalam ucapannya di Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra itu, Nasharuddin turut menyelar pengerusi nasional DAP Karpal Singh yang bertegas untuk meneruskan prosiding saman ke atasnya.
"Saya nak kata yang (Karpal) anti-Islam dan bukan anti-hudud," katanya yang menambah, Karpal tidak berhak menentang perundangan yang ditetapkan Allah.
Don't get me wrong!

I am not against Christianity and other religions but our Constitution has stated it clearly that Islam is the official religion of Malaysia.

But I do believe if Pakatan Rakyat is allowed to form the next Federal Cabinet, DAP would push a motion at the Parliament for such a clause be changed.

And what would PAS do? Of course they cant do much because DAP and PKR are not speaking PAS 'Islamic' language. In the end, it will make PAS a loser... and Pakatan government will go down!


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