OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Jesus Christ Like Syedina Hussein !!

Posted: 07 Oct 2012 02:14 AM PDT

A couple of days ago I was at a lecture about religion again (I am really careful about using the word 'Islam' - not everything is 'Islam' all the time).  The speaker was obviously pro Shia. 

I am not pro-Shia. But for those of you regular readers of my Blog you would have figured out by now that neither am I pro anything else that is "religious" be it Shia, Protestant, Catholic, Evangelical, Wahhabi, Salafi, Tableeghi, Sufi etc. I am not pro any of these folks. These are all man made divisions that only seek to divide the people.  Religion and Islam are not the same - they are very different. As you will see.

However I am pro-Islam and a firm believer in the Quran. 

Anyway coming back to the lecture I attended, the speaker, somewhere along his presentation said that there are similarities between Christianity and "Islam" - as could be seen for example in the suffering that Jesus Christ went through and  the suffering of Syedina Hussein  - a character from his religious theology.

I was not surprised at all by this reference because Syedina Hussein is upheld by the Shias as the  3rd Imam among the 12 Shia Imams.  

But what is interesting is that the speaker had raised the status of Syedina Hussein to the level of The Maseeh Eesa Ibnu Maryam (Jesus Christ the son of Mary).  Since Islam recognises The Maseeh as a Messenger (Rasul) they have indirectly raised the status of Syedina Hussein  to the same level as a Rasul Allah or Messenger of Allah. I thought this was pretty slick.

Syedina Hussein who is considered the third Imam of the Shias is believed to have been killed in combat.  Common to the mode of combat at that time, he was killed by a sword. So they say. I did not say this ok. I was not there to witness anything so I really dont know what happened that day at Karbala.  Were any of you there?  

However while there is much reference to Syedina Hussein the 3rd Imam, many Shias quite deliberately never speak about the 2nd Imam of the Shias. The 2nd Imam of the Shias was Syedina Hassan - who was the older brother of Syedina Hussein.  

Although both were Shia Imams, both were brothers and both were believed to be grandsons of the Prophet as well as the sons of Ali Abi Talib (the 1st Shia Imam) very little is said about Syedina Hassan the 2nd Shia Imam.

One reason could be he did not suffer too much or got killed by a sword like his younger brother. He certainly cannot be put on par with The Maseeh Eesa Ibnu Maryam.  What happened (so they say, I did not say this) was that Syedina Hassan the 2nd Shia Imam made a peace treaty with some people in exchange for a handsome pension and other moneys and lived in luxury for the rest of his life - until his wife poisoned him.  What a tragic end. 

I would have thought that a slow painful death by poison (that too being poisoned by your own wife) would entail more suffering than a quick beheading by a sword. But that is only my view ok. Plus the guy was believed to have had nine wives and numerous concubines. Maybe it was just a bad day in the harem.

So the Shias today sort of gloss over the 2nd Imam and go straight to the 3rd Imam Syedina Hussein who they say was beheaded in combat.

Anyway just for your info here is a table listing out the 12 Shia Imams in chronological order. Out of the 12 Shia Imams, NONE of them died a natural death. Not ONE of the 12 Imams died a natural death.

10 of them died by poisoning - of which two were poisoned by their wives. Ouch! Two more died by the sword.   

The year of their births and the year of their deaths are also provided in the table below.    Please note the year of birth and death of the last Imam, No. 12, Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan. His year of birth and death are stated as "868 AD - Present". This means he is still alive !! He would  now be 1144 years old.

Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan was declared the 12th Imam of the Shias when he was five years old. In the same year he is believed to have disappeared down a cave or well and has never been seen since. This event of his disappearance is called the Ghaybat or the Occultation

Until today the Twelver Shias (those who believe in the 12 Imams) long for the return of their 12th Imam, Muhammad Ibn Al Hassan. 

What can I say - dont hold your breath for too long guys and girls. Its been 1144 years already. 

Folks, now do you understand what I mean by "religion"? This is a fine example of "religion".  Here is that table.
ImportanceBirthplace (present day country)Place of death and burial
1'Alī ibn Abu Talib
علي بن أبي طالب

Abu al-Hassan
أبو الحسن
Amir al-Mu'minin
(Commander of the Faithful)[7]

Birinci Ali[8]

The First Imam and the rightfulsuccessor of the Prophet of all Shia; however, the Sunnis acknowledge him as the fourth Caliph as well. He holds a high position in almost all Sufi Muslim orders (Turuq); the members of these orders trace their lineage to Muḥammad through him.[7]Mecca,Saudi Arabia[7]Assassinated by Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam, aKharijite in Kufa, who slashed him with a poisoned sword.[7][10]Buried at the Imam Ali Mosque in NajafIraq.
2Hassan ibn 'Alī
الحسن بن علي

Abu Muḥammad
أبو محمد

İkinci Ali[8]

He was the eldest surviving grandson of Muḥammad through Muḥammad's daughter, Fatimah Zahra. Hasan succeeded his father as the caliph in Kufa, and on the basis of peace treaty withMuawiya I, he relinquished control of Iraq following a reign of seven months.[13]Medina,Saudi Arabia[11]Poisoned by his wife inMedinaSaudi Arabia on the orders of the CaliphYazid I.[14] Buried in Jannat al-Baqi.
3Husayn ibn 'Alī
الحسین بن علي

Abu Abdillah
أبو عبد الله
Sayed al-Shuhada

Üçüncü Ali[8]

He was a grandson of Muḥammad. Husayn opposed the validity of Caliph Yazid I. As a result, he and his family were later killed in the Battle of Karbala by Yazid's forces. After this incident, the commemoration of Husayn ibn Ali has become a central ritual in Shia identity.[15][17]Medina,Saudi Arabia[15]Killed and beheaded at theBattle of Karbala.[15] Buried at the Imam Husayn Shrinein KarbalaIraq.
4'Alī ibn al-Hussein
علي بن الحسین

Abu Muḥammad
أبو محمد
al-Sajjad, Zain al-Abedin

Dördüncü Ali[8]
658-9[18] – 712[19]

Author of prayers in Sahifa al-Sajjadiyya, which is known as "The Psalm of the Household of the Prophet." [19]Medina,Saudi Arabia[18]He was poisoned on the order of Caliph al-Walid I inMedinaSaudi Arabia.[19]The event is disputed. Buried in Jannat al-Baqi.
5Muḥammad ibn 'Alī
محمد بن علي

Abu Ja'far
أبو جعفر
al-Baqir al-Ulum
(splitting open knowledge) [20]

Beşinci Ali[8]

Sunni and Shia sources both describe him as one of the early and most eminent legal scholars, teaching many students during his tenure.[20][21]Medina,Saudi Arabia[20]He was poisoned by Ibrahim ibn Walid ibn 'Abdallah inMedinaSaudi Arabia on the order of Caliph Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik.[19] The event is disputed. Buried inJannat al-Baqi.
6Ja'far ibn Muḥammad
جعفر بن محمد

Abu Abdillah
أبو عبد الله

(the Trustworthy)

Altıncı Ali[8]

83–148 [22]
Established the Ja'fari jurisprudence and developed theTheology of Shia. He instructed many scholars in different fields, including Abu Hanifah and Malik ibn Anas in fiqhWasil ibn Ataand Hisham ibn Hakam in Islamic theology, and Jābir ibn Hayyān in science and alchemy.[22][23]Medina,Saudi Arabia[22]He was poisoned in Medina,Saudi Arabia on the order of Caliph Al-Mansur.[22] The event is disputed. Buried inJannat al-Baqi.
7Musa ibn Ja'far
موسی بن جعفر

Abu al-Hassan I
أبو الحسن الأول[24]

Yedinci Ali[8]

Leader of the Shia community during the schism of Ismaili and other branches after the death of the former Imam, Jafar al-Sadiq.[26] He established the network of agents who collectedkhums in the Shia community of the Middle East and the Greater Khorasan.[27]Medina,Saudi Arabia[25]Imprisoned and poisoned inBaghdadIraq on the order of Caliph Harun al-Rashid. The event is strongly authentic. Buried in theKazimayn shrine in Baghdad.[25]
8'Alī ibn Musa
علي بن موسی

Abu al-Hassan II


Made crown-prince by Caliph Al-Ma'mun, and famous for his discussions with both Muslim and non-Muslim religious scholars.[28] He was poisoned near Sanabad village near Tous town (in modern Mashhad-al-Reza city of Iran which was established because of his burial there). His poisoning was on the order of Caliph Al-Ma'mun. The event is authentic. He was buried in the Imam Reza shrine in Mashhad.[28]
Muḥammad ibn 'Alī

Famous for his generosity and piety in the face of persecution by the Abbasid caliphate.
Poisoned by his wife, Al-Ma'mun's daughter, inBaghdadIraq on the order of Caliph Al-Mu'tasim. Buried in the Kazmain shrine in Baghdad.[29]

'Alī ibn Muḥammad
Strengthened the network ofdeputies in the Shia community. He sent them instructions, and received in turn financial contributions of the faithful from the khums and religious vows.[30] He was poisoned inSamarraIraq on the order of Caliph Al-Mu'tazz.[31] The event is disputed. Buried in the Al Askari Mosque in Samarra.

Hassan ibn 'Alī
For most of his life, the Abbasid Caliph, Al-Mu'tamid, placed restrictions on him after the death of his father. Repression of the Shi'ite population was particularly high at the time due to their large size and growing power.[33]  He was poisoned on the order of Caliph Al-Mu'tamidin SamarraIraq. Buried inAl Askari Mosque in Samarra.[34]

Muḥammad ibn al-Hassan
al-Mahdi, Hidden Imam, al-Hujjah [35]

He is believed by Shi'ites to be the current Imam and the promised Mahdi, a messianic figure who will return in end times.
He is believed to be living in the Occultation since 872 by the Twelver Shi'ites.[36]


Najib Tun Razak And The British Example

Posted: 06 Oct 2012 08:03 PM PDT

How many of you know the name of the present British Prime Minister? I had to look up his name. Here is a multiple choice set of answers:

a. David Brown
b. Gordon Campbell
c. David Campbell
d. Gordon Brown
e. David Cameron

(The answer is at the bottom of the page). Anyway I received this sms early this morning, before our 7:30 am Sunday "Breakfast Club" meeting. Here is the sms :

"Bro. Read The Economist magazine, latest, please. There's an article on Malaysia, "No time like tomorrow: Another budget, more cash handouts and more dithering over an election date," (p32). It argues, that our PM will be like Gordon Brown of UK who blew it by missing the chance to call an early election while he was still very popular. "Rather than winning his own mandate, Mr Brown, unelected and undecided, watched his authority drained away until he was boxed into calling an election right at the end of his term - which he then lost."

Its an interesting point. However there are many differences. Firstly this is Malaysia. We do not yet have a workable bi-partisan political system like the UK or the US. In the UK it is either Labour or the Conservatives. In the US it is either the Democrats or the Republicans. Truly folks, the US and UK have very, very little democratic choices. (The financiers have long ago figured it out that it is easiest and cheaper to fund a two party system only).

And both Labour or the Conservatives are not too far off from each other. It does not make any real difference whether Labour or the Conservatives rule the UK. They will still shed human blood in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Bahrain and elsewhere. Just like it does not matter much whether the Democrats or the Republicans rule the US. They will still shed human blood in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Bahrain and elsewhere. It really makes not much difference to the voters in the UK or the US.

In Malaysia it is significantly different. It is either the devil you know or the insane liwatting, freako satans that you dont really know. There is a better chance of taming and controlling the devil you know than to mess around with the satans that you dont know (but you think you know). 

Here is my evidence. In the last round of elections the people kicked the devil you know's butt  by voting them out in five states and removing their 2/3 majority.  That has considerably tamed and brought them under closer scrutiny - everyones' scrutiny. So the system works. You can vote against them. 

But if you exchange this system for the satans you dont know, well you better watch out.  If they win, your women may be forced to wear ninja outfits day and night. Your sons may be forced to wear their pants with the zip at the back - for the Rear Admiral's inspection. 

And that gangster party may steal every bit of sand, deal in every bit of land and create massage parlours all over the land.  I am not saying this lightly. It is already happening. They have already accumulated huge amounts of money in their war chest. Not all of it goes into their war chest anyway - substantial amounts find their way into their own chests.

Their modus operandi is very simple. They prevent you from talking. In the State they control, certain newspapers are banned. Why? Because these newspapers have criticised them. They use gag orders all the time - against their own members. They have expelled dozens of their own party members for criticising their leadership. The latest is they have slapped and torn up membership cards of party members who questioned their leaders.  I am NOT making this up. All this has been reported in the newspapers.

And their leader was sent to jail for corrupt abuse of power. Abuse of power to do what? He ordered the Police to arrest and torture a young woman. Again for what? Because that woman wrote a signed letter, with her name, IC number and address, accusing him of sexual improprieties. 

And it is a well known fact that during his time in power their leader was the Pencipta Politik Wang and Bapa Rasuah Malaysia. Despite never having held a proper job or business, he owns millions of Ringgit, drives luxury cars, lives a lavish lifestyle and lives in a huge mansion worth millions of Ringgit.  He did not buy all this using his 'wang tabung sejak kecil lagi'. But they deliberately overlook these irritating details. 

So this is the alternative. Expulsion orders, gag orders, banning newsapers orders, arrest and torture orders are their stock in trade. And they are more corrupt than the devils you know. Again I am NOT making this up. If you have any otak, now is the time to use it. Just read the newspapers ok - tak payah pergi jauh-jauh pun.

Coming back to the date of the elections - it is actually quite a waste of time speculating about it anymore because there is so little time left. The elections will be held within five months from now.  

The plus point is unlike the UK, the more time passes here in Malaysia, the more the alternative becomes divided and confused. They are incessantly arguing about the who-doed. They are also arguing now about their own Menteri Besar's and future 'Cabinet' positions.  They cannot agree on anything. This is the alternative.  

(The current British PM is David Cameron)

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