OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Same Questions For Christians And Zakir Naik

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 09:09 PM PDT

This Indian guy Dr Zakir Naik is giving a talk here tomorrow (Sunday 7th October 2012 @ 2 pm at the Putra World Trade Centre). He will be speaking about the Bible, Islam and so on.  Zakir Naik follows in the tradition of the famous Ahmed Deedat who was a brilliant debater who could easily put any Christian debater to shame.

Why have "Bible debaters" like Ahmed Deedat and Zakir Naik  sprung up,  especially since the 1980s? The answer is simple - they are protecting their own people, the Muslims, from the encroachment of the evangelical Christians who are now moving very aggressively all over the world. 

Christians jangan lah marah ok. They have the absolute right to protect their own faith, just as the Christians have the absolute right to protect their own faith as well. 

There is no doubt that there is intensive Christian missionary work targeted at converting Muslims in Malaysia, Indonesia, Phillipines, India, Pakistan, the Middle East and just about everywhere in the world into Christianity.  There is not as much organised missionary activity by Muslims on a global scale. You will rarely meet a Muslim trying to convert you into Islam at the Los Angeles International Airport.

If you ask me, trying to convert people into your religion is not a crime.  This should be a free world. Everyone should be able to pitch whatever religion they want to pitch. If the evangelicals want to preach the Bible go ahead.  If Zakir Naik wants to preach his religion please go ahead. 

But whether this fellow is right or that fellow is wrong, that is another question. I think most religious teachings are best kept safely inside the trash bin. Thats where they belong - especially the evangelical Christians. (If anyone of them wants to engage with me here, please feel free ok. Bukan susah pun.)

Here at OutSyed The Box my pitch  is the Quran. I strongly urge all of you, Muslim and non Muslim alike to seriously study the Quran. You may all get the shock of your life - especially the Muslims.  The Muslims will find out that many of the religious practises that you uphold cannot be found in the Quran.  Instead they are found in the Bible.

The evangelical Christians will discover that many, many of the things which they dont like about "Islam" are just not found in the Quran. 72 virgins, stoning the adulterer to death, hijab headcover for women, killing the apostate etc are not found in the Quran.  

Instead most of these teachings are found in the Bible - your Bible. Ha ha ha! What an irony. 

It is totally, absolutely easy to take on the evangelical Christians. Just read their Bible.   It is also totally, absolutely easy to take on the "religious" guys as well (including Dr Zakir Naik). Just read the Bible again. Dua-dua lebih kurang sama saja. 

Dr Zakir Naik will argue that the Bible is NOT the word of "God". The evangelicals will be saying the exact opposite ie the Bible is the word of "God". Fine. Please keep this in mind. Do not forget this little point of argument between Dr Zakir Naik and the Christians.

So folks, if any of you are attending Dr Zakir Naik's talk tomorrow at the PWTC, here is a list of beliefs that are common between Dr Zakir Naik and the evangelical Christians.   At the end of this list I have just a few short questions. Hopefully you may print out this short list and then ask Dr Zakir Naik to answer those few questions. 

Here is a list of things that form part of the religious practises or religious beliefs of Dr Zakir Naik.  These things ARE NOT FOUND in the Quran. Instead they are found in the Bible (or "also" found in the Bible).

1. Saying 'Amen' is found in the Bible, Deuteronomy  27:14-26 "And all the people shall say Amen". This is not found in the Quran.

2. The prohibition against making statues, carvings, images etc is found in the Bible, Deuteronomy 4:15-18. This is not found in the Quran.

3. The practise of religious men wearing beards (like Dr Zakir Naik) is found in Leviticus 19:27, Leviticus 21:5, 2nd Samuels 10:5 and others. This is not found in the Quran.

4. Stoning the adulterer to death is found in Deuteronomy 22: 23-24, Leviticus 20:10 and other Bible verses.  This is not found in the Quran. 

5. The concept of Aqeedah as binding faith is found in the Hebrew Bible. The "Aqeedat Yitzhak", referring to both Abraham's and Isaac's "binding faith" that Isaac be sacrificed.  This word aqeedah as well as the concept of aqeedah as "binding faith" are NOT found in the Quran.

6.  Muslims are taught to hang up holy writing (Quran verses etc) on the walls, in their houses, offices, shops, cars, buses etc. Hanging up holy writing on the wall, above your door frames etc is found in the Bible, Deuteronomy 6:4-9,  Deuteronomy 11:20-21. This is not found in the Quran. 

7. Apostates or murtad are condemned to be killed. This is found in the Bible, Deuteronomy 13:5, Leviticus 24:16 and others. This is not found in the Quran.

8.     The Jews  celebrate the 10th Day of the New Year or "Yom Kippur" as a day of atonement and penance. (See Leviticus 23:27). The Shiah Muslims also celebrate the 10th day  of the Islamic New Year ("10th day of Ashura") also as  a day of atonement and penance. This is not found in the Quran.

9.  Blasphemy or "insulting religion" is a punishable offence that is found in the Bible. See Mark 14: 62-64, Mark 3:28 and others. The religious teachers teach that Insulting religion is also a punishable offence.  This is not found in the Quran.

10.  Belief in the Second Coming (of Jesus, of the Saviour) is definitely a Biblical teaching. The religious people also believe in the second coming of the Imam Mahdi etc.  This is not in the Quran.

11. Dr Zakir Naik will believe in the hijab as a head cover for women. The teaching for women to cover the head is found in the Bible, in 1st Corinthians 11 : 2-16.   This is not found in the Quran.  

12. The wearing of turbans and robes as a mark of a religious person or priest is again found in the Bible, Exodus 28:4. This is not found in the Quran. 

Now here is the question for Dr Zakir Naik as well as the Christians.  

To Dr Zakir Naik - you say the Bible is NOT the word of God. Yet here is a list of 12 of your religious practises or religious beliefs  that are NOT found in the Quran but they are found in the Bible (and maybe in the hadith, ijma, fiqh etc).  When these things are written in the Bible, you say they are NOT the word of God. However when they are written in your own sources, you say it is part of your religion? Can you please explain?

To the Christians - This list represents some of the things that you do not like about Islam. Yet these things are NOT found in the Quran. They are found in the Bible in the Old as well as in the New Testaments. So can you please explain your dislike for the Quran and your love for the Bible?

Finally, can the Muslims follow the scripture of the Christians? The Quran gives an indication  :

Surah 3:98   Say, "O followers of the scripture, why do you reject these revelations of Allah, when Allah is witnessing everything you do?"

Surah 3:99  Say, "O followers of the scripture, why do you repel from the path of Allah those who wish to believe, and seek to distort it, even though you are witnesses?" Allah is never unaware of anything you do.

Surah 3:100  O you who believe, if you obey some of those who received the scripture, they will revert you, after having believed, into disbelievers.

Surah 3:101  How can you disbelieve, when these revelations of Allah have been recited to you, and His messenger has come to you? Whoever holds fast to Allah will be guided in the right path.

So please ask Dr Zakir Naik as well as the Christians.

DAP Gangsterism : Indian Members Slapped & Membership Cards Ripped

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 07:19 PM PDT

I did not say this lah. That is what some DAP fellows are saying. Here is the news from The Star : 
  • PETALING JAYA: Three DAP grassroots leaders have expressed their disappointment over party secretary-general Lim Guan Eng's continued silence after witnessing them being manhandled at a party function.
  • Pantai Sepang Putra DAP secretary Rashid Md Gani claimed that several "gangsters" had acted aggressively towards his branch members when they were about to hand Lim a memorandum during a meeting with branch members on Monday.
  • "One of our members, A. Thiru­malvalavan, was slapped while another, R. Selvan, had his DAP membership card ripped into pieces," he told reporters yesterday, adding that they had lodged two police reports on the incident.
  • Rashid claimed that Lim and Selangor DAP chairman Teresa Kok had witnessed the incident but did not do or say anything to stop it.
  • "We are very disappointed and saddened. It has been five days and we still have not received a response. We hope Lim will meet us and we want disciplinary action taken against those gangsters," he said, adding that he managed to hand Lim the memorandum after the situation calmed down.
  • Rashid said the memorandum had expressed concerns over several issues, including the reimbursement of funds and land rights over a Hindu temple in Ladang Teluk Merbau.
  • "If this problem is not dealt with immediately, DAP cannot win in Sepang. How can the party leaders take care of the rakyat when they can't even control themselves?"
  • When contacted, Kok said she had seen a branch member rushing towards Lim as he was about to leave the meeting.
  • "There were some members trying to stop him. I think they did not know what he wanted to do. I was told there was some quarrelling going on in front of Lim but I did not see it happen," she said.
"lodged two police reports" - that is the DAP for you. Members lodging police reports against party members who resorted to gangsterism and bullying. 

These guys had come asking for help - about some temple land and something about refunding money and they got shoved and slapped. The other fellow got his DAP membership card torn to pieces. Both were Indians.

Obviously tearing their membership card is a very direct way of saying 'You can get lost'. 

This is what will happen when you vote for gangsters.  Serves you right.

Prowling In The South China Sea

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 08:42 AM PDT

The video shows (among a few other things) the Royal Malaysian Navy's submarine, KD Tunku Abdul Rahman  firing an Exocet SM39 Block 2 missile.  The weapon, launched from a distance of 40km, successfully destroyed a 40 meter long target.  The weapon was fired when the submarine was at a depth of 55 meters


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