OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Times Higher Education Top 400 World University Rankings 2012-13

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 03:10 AM PDT

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings powered by Thomson Reuters are the only global university performance tables to judge world class universities across all of their core missions - teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The top universities rankings employ 13 carefully calibrated performance indicators to provide the most comprehensive and balanced comparisons available, which are trusted by students, academics, university leaders, industry and governments.
THE's rankings, published in the UK, consider 13 different performance indicators which are categorized into five groups: teaching, research, citations, industry income and international outlook.
The THE list's top 10 is composed of seven American institutions including MIT, Princeton and UC Berkeley as well as three British ones: Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College in London.

California Institute of Technology maintained last year's first place. Harvard traded spots with Oxford University and was ranked fourth instead of second as it was last year. Stanford and Oxford are tied for second place.

Top Asian universities 2012-13

RankInstitutionCountry / RegionOverall scorechange criteria
27University of TokyoJapan
29National University of SingaporeSingapore
35University of Hong KongHong Kong
46Peking UniversityChina
50Pohang University of Science and TechnologyRepublic of Korea
52Tsinghua UniversityChina
54Kyoto UniversityJapan
59Seoul National UniversityRepublic of Korea
65Hong Kong University of Science and TechnologyHong Kong
68Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyRepublic of Korea
86Nanyang Technological UniversitySingapore
124Chinese University of Hong KongHong Kong
128Tokyo Institute of TechnologyJapan
134National Taiwan UniversityTaiwan
137Tohoku UniversityJapan
137Hebrew University of JerusalemIsrael
147Osaka UniversityJapan
158Tel Aviv UniversityIsrael
182City University of Hong KongHong Kong
183Yonsei UniversityRepublic of Korea
193Technion Israel Institute of TechnologyIsrael
201-225Fudan UniversityChina
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201-225Middle East Technical UniversityTurkey
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201-225Nagoya UniversityJapan
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201-225University of Science and Technology of ChinaChina
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201-225Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU)Republic of Korea
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226-250Bilkent UniversityTurkey
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226-250Indian Institute of Technology, KharagpurIndia
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226-250Koç UniversityTurkey
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226-250Korea UniversityRepublic of Korea
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226-250National Tsing Hua UniversityTaiwan
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251-275National Chiao Tung UniversityTaiwan
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251-275Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityHong Kong
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251-275Indian Institute of Technology, BombayIndia
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251-275Nanjing UniversityChina
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251-275Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityJapan
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276-300Boğaziçi UniversityTurkey
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276-300Istanbul Technical UniversityTurkey
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276-300Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityChina
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276-300Tokyo Medical and Dental UniversityJapan
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301-350National Cheng Kung UniversityTaiwan
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301-350Hokkaido UniversityJapan
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301-350Hong Kong Baptist UniversityHong Kong
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301-350King Abdulaziz UniversitySaudi Arabia
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301-350Kyushu UniversityJapan
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301-350Renmin University of ChinaChina
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301-350Sharif University of TechnologyIran
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301-350National Sun Yat-Sen UniversityTaiwan
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301-350Sun Yat-sen UniversityChina
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301-350University of TsukubaJapan
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301-350Zhejiang UniversityChina
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351-400National Central UniversityTaiwan
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351-400Indian Institute of Technology, RoorkeeIndia
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351-400Keio UniversityJapan
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351-400King Mongkut's University of Technology, ThonburiThailand
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351-400National Taiwan University of Science and TechnologyTaiwan
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351-400Waseda UniversityJapan

Of the Top 400 Universities, 56 are in Asia. The large majority of top Asian Universities are in China, Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. Three IITs from India have made the Top 400. So have both the Universities in Singapore (NUS and NTU).
Three Israeli universities are amongst the Top 200 academic institutions in 2012-2013. 
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem was ranked 137, Tel Aviv University, reachednumber 158, and the Technion - Israel Institute of Technology entered the list at No. 193.

Three universities in South Africa ie University of Cape Town, University of Witwatersrand and University of KwaZulu-Natal have made the list. 19 Australian and six New Zealand universities are also in the list.
There are no Malaysian universities in the list.

Salafis Not Compatible With Democracy

Posted: 04 Oct 2012 11:02 PM PDT

In this Monday, Jan. 23, 2012 photo, Salafi lawmakers attend the first Egyptian parliament session after the revolution that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak, in Cairo, Egypt. 

The news is that internal divisions are threatening to unravel Egypt's second biggest political party, the political arm of the ultraconservative Salafis, the country's most hardline Islamist movement.

"In the street, it has lost its credibility. People see clerics who they used to see as men of God engaging in earthy disputes. They used to trust them. This will have a negative impact not only on Al-Nour or Salafis but on all Islamists in politics."
Salafis are among the most hardcore conservatives in Egypt, with a stricter vision of Islam than the Brotherhood.  Salafi men are known for their long beards, with the mustache shaved off  while the women wear the "niqab," an enveloping black robe and veil that leaves only the eyes visible.  They advocate strict segregation of the sexes. They say they want to turn Egypt into a pure Islamic society, implementing strict Shariah law.
They also reject democracy as a heresy, since it would supplant God's law with man's rulings.
Which is why you can see them sleeping in the Egyptian Parliament above.

"..malah lebih banyak mundur ke belakang."

Posted: 04 Oct 2012 05:28 PM PDT

A few days ago I wrote this Blog Of Rote Learning And Creativity. I touched on an incomprehensible article written by IKIM and about religious and secular education issues. 

I received some interesting comments, three of which I thought were worth blogging again. Thank you for all your comments especially for those comments that I am using here today.

These comments sound genuine to me (of course you can make up your own mind - I am not  forcing you to believe anything I say)  and that is why I am reposting them.  Here they are :

1. Anonymous said...:  (this one is my personal favorite)
  • Turun temurun & ratusan tahun umat islam di seluruh dunia & khususnya di Malaysia telah terpedaya atau memperdayakan diri sendiri atas kejahilan sendiri kerana mengikut dan membenarkan apa saja yang disuapkan oleh para ulama jadi-jadian 
  • termasuk para ostad angkat bakul yang ada bukan saja di sekolah, di kampung, di bandar malah di pusat pengajian tinggi dan di institusi seperti IKIM yang kononnya ditubuhkan oleh kerajaan untuk 'menyelamat' & 'melindungi' agama Islam & umat islam. 
  • Namun, malangnya umat islam, khususnya di Malaysia ini bukannya maju kehadapan, malah lebih banyak mundur ke belakang 
  • & secara halus dipaksa pula untuk mundur dengan menggunakan undang-undang untuk menyekat mereka yang ingin maju kehadapan. Apakan daya.
Wednesday, October 03, 2012 10:38:00 AM  

2.  Anonymous said...:   
  • IKIM's strategy of using bombastic words is to make confused Muslims more confused... then they can say "See I told you so! Belajar ugama mesti berguru... if not, sesat!"  
  • What if Tok Guru yg sebenarnya sesat?  
  • To me, an article that only the author can understand is a syok-sendiri article. It has no place in mainstream media. I hope IKIM will change and write articles that can be understood by all. Please.
  • Hemm... could it be that they write like that so that their true-self is not exposed? i.e - they are as clueless as the rest of us?
  • My personal wish is all the alim ulamak will stop talking/preaching about ritual, ritual, ritual.. Let's focus on human values instead. Teach the ummah the Islamic human values (since young) so that it is totally embedded in the hearts and minds.
  • Aniaya anjing is not a good (thing). 
  • Mengasari lembu sebelum disembelih as korban is not good.
  • Tak menepati masa is bad.
  • Tak menepati janji is munafik.
  • Tak bayar hutang walaupun mampu is a sin.
  • Buang sampah merata-rata is bad.
  • Membazir makanan, air, letrik etc etc are bad.
  • Hanya tau berdoa tanpa berusaha ialah pekerjaan sia-sia.
  • Common sense right? But why people yang pray 5x a day still do that? 
  • Ini belum lagi yang minta orang hantar dia pergi Tanah Suci as "gift"..
  • Dunia memang sudah terbalik!
Wednesday, October 03, 2012 10:05:00 AM  

3. Anonymous said... 
  • Buat apa susah2 belajar tentangg fizik atau matematik, susah lagi menyesa(t)kan, bukan boleh buat apa apa pun, habis kuat jadi prof kat ipta, mana ada orang panggil ceramah sangat nak dengar pasal fizik quantum ka, algorithma ka. 
  • Kalau belajar ugama lagi bagus, bukannya susah sangat nak ingat pasal cerita buraq, senang senang ja nanti dapat jadi mufti, menteri, dan masa lapang ada pula jemputan bagi ceramah, lagi duit masuk riban2, org seronok nak dengar pasal buraq, tak payah susah nak cipta roket atau kapal terbang.
Wednesday, October 03, 2012 9:07:00 AM  

Then one person also sent a comment that the Chairman of IKIM is this fellow in these two pictures. 

How embarrasing.  This is the same guy in the following picture, he was wide awake here :

Hukum sentuh bahu wanita  : Tengok jika bahu ada piawaian SIRIM. 

I agree with the view that the umat Islam in Malaysia is 'lebih banyak mundur ke belakang'. It does not matter if it is the institutions like the jabatan agamas, the Government bodies like IKIM, IISTAC, the religion based political parties especially PAS, the religion based education (from tadika to tertiary level)  - as long as it is religion based then it is a source of 'lebih banyak mundur ke belakang'.  

If the umat can listen to people like Nik Aziz, then it is confirmed they are brain dead.  Those students who waste their time listening to that idiotic Ostat Ferrari - it is again confirmed that they are brain dead. They need brain transplants. 

In fact anyone - especially adults, especially those who have some education (diploma, degree, masters, PhD etc) who sit and listen to these ostats are also confirmed brain dead. 

Selagi Petronas gali minyak dan gas, dan beri sumbangan RM50 billion atau RM70 billion kepada Kerajaan setiap tahun, maka selama itulah kita pun boleh dapat gaji setiap bulan, boleh dapat kontrak Kerajaan dan sebagainya. Belanjawan 2013 mempunyai peruntukan RM43 Billion untuk bayar sabsidi saja.  Boleh cari hidup. Kalau lah duit minyak habis atau tidak cukup (sebab bilangan penduduk jadi berpuluhan juta disebabkan ramai bini dan ramai anak) maka kita akan jadi macam negara jiran Indonesia. 

So dont waste your life listening to the ostat. Better to spend your time reading and understanding the Quran - the true teachings of the Prophet. 

Spend your time learning and teaching about science and technology, learning about market forces, about competition, about cooperating and working together with our fellow human beings irrespective of race and religion, of creating wealth for the human race. This is more important.

Dont waste your time 'mencari Ghazali dan mencari Syafie'. Akhir sekali, akan sampai tang bahu Michelle Yeoh juga.

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