No public fund for Ali's son wedding

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 11:07 AM PDT

What's the fuss about Ali Rustam's son wedding which attracted about 130,000 crowd? As a good leader, the Melaka chief minister is a darling to majority of the rakyat whom he frequently visit and rub shoulder with over the past 20 years.

Ali is not like other VVIPs, Ketua Mentri or Mentri Besar. He is so simple, easy to talk to and someone who really belongs to the rakyat.

Tell me. How often have you seen him using the service of police outrider on his official duty? How many bodyguards circle him at all time? Even his official residence does not have security guards!

Try compare him with Lim Guan Eng and Khalid Ibrahim who enjoy the privilege of security escort and outriders. Lim especially, is not easy to meet without having to get through his four or five bodyguards.

Compare Ali's residence to that of Lim and Khalid. No guards, and this enable the rakyat to walk in at any time, day and night. Ali will find time attending to weddings, the Malays, Chinese, Indians, Portuguese and others, whenever he got the invitation and time (read Husin Lempoyang blog).

The people of Melaka will usually send him invitations for various events, knowing he will never fail them. Even a minute visit will bring cheer to them. In many occasions, he will just drop by, with or without invitation.

Irrespective of race and political ideology, Ali will pay respect to the deceased, visiting the sick at hospitals, giving away aids to those in need and spend longer hour discussing rakyat matters with his officers and government officials.

So, what is that RM600,000 spent for his son's wedding. He used his own savings. Had there been sponsors, not a single sen involved state government agencies as alleged by the opposition. The rakyat is more than happy to 'chip in' wherever necessary to lighten his burden. To them, what is a little sacrifice for a good leader like him!

I don't know how did the opposition arrived at the figure between RM1.3 million and RM13 million spent for the wedding. Even by simple calculation, it leads to rubbish!

Ali has explained that several corporations such as local snack company Mamee Sdn Bhd and beverage firm Orang Kampung Drinks Sdn Bhd had advertised their products in the young couple's wedding souvenir book, and I believe its normal for one to pay for the promo.

"As advertisers, they have to pay the advertisement cost by giving away products, such as 50,000 cans of Kacip Fatimah drinks," Ali said, which to me is nothing wrong.

There were suggestions for the MACC to investigate the source of the wedding fund. Go ahead, Ali got nothing to hide.

Hey! What didn't the opposition justify the RM1.2 million PKR bus and the private jet hired by their leader Anwar Ibrahim? Whose money was it? Anwar's or the rakyat? Where did Unisel's RM40 million go over the last three years as it only incurred loses after PR took over Selangor in 2008.

A leader like Ali is hard to come by these days. He deserves the special treatment given by the rakyat of Melaka.

But what is RM600,000 for a Malay wedding if some people in PR spent a few million, both for wedding and funeral?

Let's see how much DAP would spend on Guan Eng or Lim Kit Siang's funeral...

Ooppsss... how much did the opposition spend for Bersih 2.0 and Bersih 3.0?

You people (the opposition) should look at what you have done before point fingers at Ali and others. Since you don't really go down to the rakyat, like what Ali does, you don't really know what a good leader means to the people.

Please watch your tongue before you lose it!


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