Where's the 'overtime', Omar Osman?

Posted: 03 Oct 2012 05:59 PM PDT

I believe PM Najib Tun Razak has granted more than half of Cuepacs' wish when presenting Budget 2013 on September 28, especially bonus, housing and other allowances.

The civil service is the pillar of our administration. Yes, no doubt about it and that's why the government will do anything necessary and affordable to provide them with higher pay and better perks.

However, rewards must commensurate with good product and work quality. Its Cuepacs' rights to safeguard the interest of its 1.4 million members but in doing so, it also has to ensure quality is achieved and assignments are completed.

Three days before Budget 2013, its president Omar Osman said civil servants nationwide were prepared to work overtime - an extra 30 minutes without pay - if 70 per cent of its six claims are approved by the government.

I called it a 'nonsense' offer in that blog posting.

Two days after budget announcement, Omar issued a statement requesting that the one and a half month bonus for civil servants be exempted from tax.

"This is the first time we are requesting it for all civil servants, regardless of ranking," he said, adding that those who wished to apply for affordable homes should be allowed to get full loans without having to pay a 10 per cent deposit, while a 100 per cent loan should be given to first-time house owners.

In the Budget, RM1.9 billion is allocated to build 123,000 affordable housing units in strategic locations and RM500 million to build houses priced between RM100,000 and RM400,000 nationwide.

A good and fair requests, I suppose.

But Omar is fast forgetting what he promised - the overtime! He mentioned nothing about it although such a 'counter offer' does not make any sense.

I hope he remembers.

The government has been very generous with civil servants, and its time for a payback. The rakyat would like to see how Omar and Cuepacs honor their promises!

Don't become another 'Melayu mudah lupa'!


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