PM's statement on women thrown out of context!

Posted: 02 Oct 2012 09:44 AM PDT

Prime Minister Najib's statement at the Women's Day celebration yesterday was misinterpreted and thrown out of context. The opposition, especially was quick to lucre on it, accusing him of being disrespectful and undermining the role of women in national development.

PKR politician and blogger Chegubard in his posting lashed out at Najib's arrogance in recognising women's movement in the country.
"Najib menyatakan Malaysia tidak memerlukan sama sekali pergerakan wanita dalam negara ini. Beliau selaku Menteri Wanita dalam majlis anjuran kementeriannya telah menghina perjuangan aktivis-aktivis hak wanita dalam negara ini..."
The Prime Minister spoke in simple Bahasa Malaysia at the function. I just wonder if Chegubard (as a Melayu) and his friends understand the language.

The way he spun the story didn't reflect him as a mature politician, and so are those who failed to digest the message of such a statement.

However, I believe he took cue from his boss' blog posting about the recently tabled Budget 2013 at the Dewan Rakyat, that 'the government didn't give the right amount of allocation to women'. PKR president Wan Azizah said:
"Our two projects for empowering women call for spending of RM3.94 billion. All in, we intend to spend up toRM4.5 billion a year on programs for women. This is 10 times more than Umno BN's spending for women."
True, the Budget allocates about RM400 million for women but that is more than sufficient after considering other funds and insentives. Compared with Pakatan's RM4 billion, it will make each and every woman in the country close to becoming a millionaire!

Najib's statement should be interpreted like this:

Women's movement in Malaysia does not need further recognition because they are already well-established and much more advanced than other countries, including those few in the West. So strong and influential are their organisations and movements that they are present in all sectors of the economy and nation-building, and become the envious of similar groups abroad.

What PM actually meant was, they do not need recognition as they are already well-known and are able to champion their course without much assistance from the government, and that makes them very special as compared with the achievement of other women movement in Africa, Latin America, Asia and other regions.

So, there is no reason at all for them to jump to conclusion, sensationalising and politicising it!
A press statement issued by the Joint Action Group for Gender Equality (JAG), which comprises Sisters in Islam (SIS); Women's Aid Organisation (WAO); Perak Women for Women Society (PWW); Sabah Women's Action Resource Group (SAWO); All Women's Action Society (AWAM); Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER); and Women's Centre for Change (WCC) also voiced out their 'disbelief' at Najib. 
"Such a statement by the prime minister, who is also the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development, belies and belittles the reality women face on a daily basis — the violence, harassment and discrimination — which Government policies have not adequately addressed. The recently released CEDAW alternative report comprehensively documents all forms of discrimination that women in Malaysia continue to face today. For those of us who have to deal with the problems women face on the ground, the Prime Minister's claim does not inspire any confidence in his leadership of the country and the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development..."
I wonder if we have enough Malays in these organisations who can understand the language. It is not fair at all to simply become abusive over things that we don't really comprehend.
I am also not sure if the PM Office will issue a statement to clear the air but for one thing, I am sure the opposition is riding on the issue for their politics... and for something to blog and criticise!


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