OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Froggy Munafiks

Posted: 20 Aug 2012 06:38 PM PDT

  • Guan Eng must be consistent
  • Lim Guan Eng should make his stand clear on party-hopping  
  • Lim had inconsistent views on the issue when two Barisan Nasional MPs in Sabah became Pakatan-friendly.
  • Lim proposed that seats be vacated automatically when representatives quit their party to ensure voters had the right to choose their leaders.  
  • "..Federal Government should enact anti-defection laws .."
  • Predictably, Lim quiet when Anwar Ibrahim wanted to get 30 BN MPs to jump to Pakatan 
  • July 29 Lajim announced resignation from Umno 
  • Wildfred Bumburing announced decision to leave BN 

Well this post was pre-programmed  earlier. This is the story of the froggy munafiks.

When Tokoh Liwat Negara, Pencipta Politik Wang and Bapa Rasuah Malaysia promised the 9-16 crap the munafiks all cheered. They said it was a good thing if people jumped ship. Just last week (the last week of the Bulan Puasa) I heard again that there was no real danger of losing 30 guys in the East. But the rumours were not entirely without merit.

Tokoh Liwat Negara, Pencipta Politik Wang and Bapa Rasuah Malaysia had laid out substantial money to entice the BN MPs to jump. Folks, really, really big money. It was not just a promise of "I will make you DPM, I will make you Finance Minister" and crap like that. There was hard money upfront laid on the table. Tens of millions - like a "signing bonus" when an FA League football player first joins a team.  A few BN MPs had indeed agreed to do the frog thing. 

So where did Bapa Rasuah Malaysia get all that money?  Lets guess - maybe duit tabung from his piggy bank? 

Here is the munafikism - when ALL the Pakatan MPs and ADUNs started jumping ship - I have lost count, there are about 15-20 of them, the Pakatan munafiks started screaming. That is when Guan Eng said that some kind of laws should be passed to stop the froggy thingy.

Folks, now that has gone out their window again. They never expected Lajim and Bumburing in Sabah to leave the BN. It appears that Lajim even met with that Beruk Panjat Nyiok just before he left the BN. 

So when people jump out from their rotting junk they scream. They want laws amended. When people crawl into their rotting junk it is OK. This is the froggy munafiks for you. 

I mean these folks are dumber than I thought. They think the average Malaysian is as dumb as them. I say kawan, orang tahu baca surat khabar lah.

Now there is this issue developing with Nasharudin Mat isa - the former Deputy President of PAS. If George W Bush had  got shot, Nasharudin would have been president. Nasharudin was only one "heart beat" away from the Presidency.

There are more strong rumours that even Nasharudin will be leaving PAS - possibly to join UMNO. We can guess what the munafiks will be doing - kicking and screaming their heads off, childish runts locked up inside adult bodies.

Nasharudin is openly cavorting with the PM and the DPM. This means that if he enters UMNO, he will not be entering at the ground floor level. Nasharuddin is going to take the elevator straight to the top floor.  It will be a major coup if Nasharudin joins UMNO.  It will weaken PAS significantly. 

It will be similar to the time when Ustaz Nakhaie joined UMNO from PAS. Nakhaie's defection from PAS caused serious embarrasment and loss of face for PAS. If "ustaz" Nasha joins UMNO, it is bad for PAS.

If Nasha joins UMNO, I dont think he will be selling out for 30 pieces of silver.  Neither has Nasha suffered serious disillusionment with PAS or Pakatan. And he is not too crazy over UMNO either. Nasha is totally ashamed and embarrased over his very, very long association with Tokoh Liwat Negara.

The 2nd Liwat Trial and that China Doll Video has convinced many of the old 'angkatan belia' folks that their Tokoh Liwat Negara has been taking them for a long, long ride. Nasha is one of them.  

Nasha still has links to the ex-"angkatan belia" circle which meets informally to keep in touch. A major event happened maybe just over two years ago. One of the heads of this ex 'angkatan belia' group - who used to be among the staunchest supporters of the Tokoh Liwat Negara - found out the truth about Liwat. He used to be Nasha's senior in the 'angkatan belia'. So the brother, a senior academic, broke ranks with Liwat and defected. Not only did he defect but  since then he has been on a crusade to tell the truth about Liwat.  He organises small group discussions and tells the truth about the Tokoh Liwat Negara.

I heard about this over a year ago and then met the man myself - also in a small group. He feels much remorse now. And he is spreading the word quite effectively. I believe his "virus" has infected Nasha.  As time passes, more of the ex-'angkatan belia' alumni and others will be abandoning Tokoh Liwat, Pencipta Politik Wang and Bapa Rasuah Malaysia. Just wait and see.

Nasha sees that PAS will not give up Liwat in time for the next general elections. This will cause the PAS many, many votes. Liwat is becoming a huge, huge liability. He is becoming like a huge rock tied to the neck of the PAS and pulling them underwater.  That is why Nasha is unhappy. PAS will abandon Liwat after the next general elections. This is a certainty - but it will be too late. Liwat is going to end his days eating baclava on the Black Sea coast, alone with his increasingly wrinkly wife, minus his watch. They still have not found that watch.

On the other hand, the DAP is operating at a different level. The majority of the DAP's supporters are chauvinists who want to see Malay hegemony in politics broken at all costs. They know they can only achieve this if the Malay vote is split. Hence their support for Liwat will increase. DAP will benefit from Liwat's presence. Not PAS. 

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