OutSyed The Box

OutSyed The Box

Robbery At MAS

Posted: 02 May 2012 02:35 AM PDT

  • MAS and AA will forge ahead with their collaboration agreement .. set up joint ventures (JVs) for joint procurement, pilot training and aircraft maintenance and repair 
  • comprehensive collaboration framework (CCF) inked last August
  • a string of abandoned proposals by MAS, including the ending of talks with Australian carrier Qantas  

("forge ahead" !! A string of abandoned proposals because the Khazanah Nasional idiots running MAS do not know running a business from a hole in the ground)

  • AirAsia chief Tan Sri Tony Fernandes and his partner Datuk Kamarudin Meranun will probably give up their board seats on MAS 

(So what? The deal they have now is even better. Now they can take MAS to the cleaners  without having to be sitting on the Board of MAS and without having to deal with the Unions. The Unions have been by passed).

  •  mutually beneficial collaborative agreements 

(Mutually beneficial my @$$.  Its  "satu untuk kau, dua untuk aku, dua untuk aku, satu untk kau" all over again. Do read on.)

  • to cooperate on areas such as aircraft purchasing, engineering, ground support services, cargo services, catering and training.  

(This is not "cooperation" ok. MAS will eventually rescue Air Asia by buying Air Asia's 200 Airbuses which have no where to fly. MAS must provide engineering, ground support services, cargo services, catering and training services for Air Asia which does not even own a screw driver to maintain their aircraft. It is money out of MAS' pocket into Air Asia's pocket - now through the clever and devious mechanism of "JV").  

  • proposed JV will look into collaborating on pilot training and infrastructure, and the third on component, maintainence support and repair services. 

(Folks, this means Air Asia will get to use MAS' pilot training simulators almost  for free. Why? Because now there will be a JV company between MAS and Air Asia for pilot training, infrastructure - use of ground equipment, mobile airbridges etc.  Hutang lambat bayar pun takpa mah..sekarang sudah ada JV.

They will also get to use MAS maintenance support and repair services also almost for free. Why? Because there will be a JV company between MAS and Air Asia for maintenance services.  Bayar hutang lama sikit pun takpa mah..sekarang sudah ada JV.

And what is the consideration for MAS to enter a JV with AA for pilot training, aircraft maintenance, spare parts, procurement and so on? MAS has pilot training simulators, AA has none. MAS has maintenance, AA has none.  MAS has infra, AA has none.  MAS has screw drivers, AA has none.  So what does AA give MAS in return for entering into a JV.  Can you all see who is being suckered here?

And hellooo MAS Unions - you guys are going to get liwatted. Because when the new JV companies are formed, the JVs will hire new workers or issue them new contracts which can (and most likely will)  bypass the MAS Unions. There may not be any Unions allowed in the new JVs between MAS and AA. So the Unions cannot do anything about the JVs. In one stroke the MAS unions would have been bypassed. Hangpa semua boleh kena liwat.

Here is something else. Air Asia has a reputation when it comes to paying their bills on time. They owed MAB and MAS tens and maybe hundreds of millions of Ringgits for  ground services, maintenance and such.  Air Asia does not do maintenance in Singapore also because of payment issues. 

If they JV with MAS,  firstly they wont have to worry about credit periods.  Takkan their own JV will sue them or deny them services if the bills are not paid? Get the picture? 

One month hutang can stretch to three months, three month hutang can stretch to more months and so on. How is MAS going to force their "JV" partner to pay the bills?

And the JVs with MAS will also enable Air Asia to buy spares for their airplanes using the good credit standing of MAS.  They will put the MAS logo somewhere on the letterheads and buy spare parts for their planes on credit again. Then if the payments are late, they can exploit MAS' credit standing.  Folks, MAS means taxpayers money ok.)

AAX may also have a public listing (IPO) in sight. Talk is if Air Asia manages to snag MAS in all these clever JVs, then the intended IPO of Air Asia X  may suffer less turbulent flying.  They need to show the Investment Bankers and the Regulators that they have the maintenance support, spares are available, their bills are paid, they have the infra equipment and such. 

They also need to convince the Investment Bankers and the Regulators that those 200 Airbus A320s which AA has ordered have an exit strategy. Parking them on the apron with no where to fly is not an option.  Someone has to  take over those 200 A320s. 

This is where the part about  "set up joint ventures (JVs) for joint procurement" comes in.

This is the biggest load of crap that I have read yet about this whole MAS - AA fiasco. MAS has been around for 50 years. As though they do not know where and how to buy aircraft? It is AA which has placed an order for 200 Airbus A320s and dont know what to do when all those planes start arriving.  So why not unload the planes onto MAS -  and it will not be cheap either.)

  • MAS, undergoing its fourth turnaround attempt since the wide asset unbundling brokered by Bina Fikir Sdn Bhd in 2002, posted a record RM2.52bil net loss in its financial year 2011

(FOURTH turnaround since 2002?? And by the same idiots who ran Binafikir in 2002, then later got promoted to Khazanah Nasional. 

  • The plan also aims to narrow MAS' losses to a base case RM165mil net loss this year.

Folks their "base case" is a loss making  option.   Here is my advise to the MAS employees and the MAS unions. Peaceful assembly and peaceful protest is now cool in Malaysia.  Everyone is doing it. You must all get together and protest peacefully against this plunder of MAS  ever since the Khazanah  idiots got into the picture.   Walk out and walk to save MAS.  

Make some demands.  Keep your demands simple :

1.  First of all ask the Gomen to kick out that idiot from Khazanah Nasional. Secondly ask for MAS to kick out his crony who is now ruining MAS.

2.  Insist that all share swaps, collaboration, communication and contact with Air Asia be terminated. They go their way. Leave MAS alone.  Ask them to pay cash for all your services. No cash, you go in the trash.

3. MAS has to stop giving retired Senior Civil Servant discounts.  Why should retired KSUs pay only 10% for a first class ticket to anywhere? Tell them to pay full fare just like anyone else. Or fly Economy lah.  That costs a lot of money.

4. Ask for an insider - a MAS career man - to be appointed as CEO.

5. The entire MAS Board of Directors must be changed. Obviously they have been doing nothing other than scratching their nuts.  (Ya lah - "MAS, undergoing its fourth turnaround attempt since ...2002").  Ask for a Blogger to be appointed to the MAS Board. I know one Blogger who can wring these peoples' necks. 

However folks, I feel that MAS really does not have a chance against all these vampires. The MAS Advisor is Slumberjack. Slumberjack's former 'Media Thief' is a major stakeholder in Air Asia.  The catering services were earlier sold to Slumberjack's family member.  

So in the final analysis I think MAS is  screwed.  Unless the MAS employees really do something about this.

Dr Chandra Muzaffar : Bersih Is Hypocrite, Vile, Fraud, Deceit, Duplicit, Diabolical

Posted: 01 May 2012 10:57 PM PDT

The following is an article by Dr Chandra Muzaffar. My comments follow.


By Dr Chandra Muzaffar 

The Bersih Rally of April 28 has brought to the fore two fundamental human rights: the freedom of assembly and the right to participate in free and fair elections.

It is a shame that the exercise of the first of these rights on that day was marred by acts of violence. Protesters, journalists and police personnel were among those who were hurt and injured.  The government has promised an honest, unbiased investigation that will reveal how the violence started, who the perpetrators were and who instigated them. It is also important to find out if foreigners were involved in the rally which degenerated into a riot.

One hopes that apart from police evidence, the investigators will also give serious attention to allegations by the protesters and reports from SUHAKAM and Bar Council monitors. In the interest of the nation the results of the investigation should be made public as soon as possible.  More important, firm action should be taken against the culprits, regardless of their role or position in society.

Perhaps the violence that occurred at the Bersih Rally could have been avoided if the organisers had acceded to the request from DBKL and the police to hold the assembly in one of the four stadiums offered to them, including Stadium Merdeka, instead of insisting upon Dataran Merdeka. 

According to the Dataran's 1992 by-laws, the Square can only be used for national events, which is why applications from other NGOs to hold activities related to their specific agenda, had been rejected in the past.  Why were the organisers so obstinate about the venue when they could have conveyed the same message about free and fair elections from some other place?

This brings us to that critical question: are elections in Malaysia free and fair? 

If we focussed upon actual voting, there has been no evidence of ballot-box stuffing, ballot-box switching, mass disappearance of voters' names from electoral rolls, gross discrepancies between ballots cast and registered voters and other such instances of blatant electoral fraud since the first general election in 1959.  

Of course, there are electoral irregularities and errors some of which have been exposed over the years. Such shortcomings exist in all electoral processes. Indeed, there is no electoral process in the world that is totally free of blemish.

It is partly because there is a degree of integrity in the electoral process that the opposition parties collectively have in various general elections garnered between 35% and 50% of the popular vote. 

In the 2008 General Election for instance, the opposition coalition, the Pakatan Rakyat, captured five states, won 10 out of 11 seats in the  national capital, and for the first time in history denied the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) its two-third majority in the Federal Parliament. It has also won 8 out of the 16 by-elections held since 2008. If there is a viable political opposition in the country today it is due largely to a functioning electoral process.

There is yet another yardstick that one can employ to determine whether the electoral process in a particular society is fair or not. If the result of an election reflects voter sentiment accurately, there would be no basis for alleging fraud. 

The outcome of every general election in Malaysia has mirrored the prevalent mood within the electorate. 

In 1959, unhappiness within a segment of the Malay electorate caused by new citizenship laws, on the one hand, and the crisis within the Malayan Chinese Association (MCA), on the other,led to a decline in support from both communities for the ruling Alliance. 

However, in 1964, the threat of Konfrantasi from Indonesia brought the various communities together and boosted the Alliance's electoral performance. 

Fast forward to 2004, the hope generated by a new Prime Minister resulted in a huge victory for the BN but in 2008,  disillusionment set in because of the leadership's perceived inability to deliver its promises and the coalition suffered a severe setback.

All this should not delude us into believing that there is no need for any reform to the way we conduct elections. Partly because of the Bersih 2 episode in July 2011 and partly because of representations from individuals and groups inside and outside government, the Cabinet decided to establish a Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) to explore ways and means of enhancing the electoral process.  The PSC conducted six public hearings in six cities and listened to views and submissions from 106 groups and individuals.

It should be emphasised that the three opposition MPs in the nine member committee played an active role in the PSC's work. 

They were even part of the PSC's working visits to the United Kingdom, Germany and Denmark. They endorsed the 10 preliminary recommendations presented by the PSC to Parliament on December 1st  2011 which included the proposals to use indelible ink for voting and the cleaning up of the electoral rolls. 

They also endorsed 18 out of the 22 recommendations presented to Parliament on April 3rd2012----- recommendations which included provision for a caretaker government; equitable media access; strengthening the EC; balanced constituency delineation; and political party funding.

The 32 recommendations from the PSC adopted by Parliament constitute the most sweeping reforms to our electoral process ever undertaken in our 54 year history. 

Given their nature, some of the reforms will take time to implement. Others can be rolled out immediately.  To buttress these changes, the EC has attempted to clarify several issues pertaining to the electoral process in a small booklet.

What is even more significant electoral reform is taking place in the context of other far-reaching changes to political and civil liberties.  

A Peaceful Assembly Act has been enacted which facilitates the exercise of a fundamental right. 

The Publications law has been amended to ensure judicial review over executive authority. There is more scope now for student participation in politics. 

Outdated Emergency Ordinances have been rescinded. And most of all, the ISA has been abolished. 

It is an irrefutable fact that through these legislative reforms the space and scope for the expression and articulation of human rights has been expanded and enhanced as never before.

Much more has to be done. Even some of the laws that have been amended will have to be subjected to further review and perhaps abrogated altogether. Citizens groups that are genuinely committed to democratic reform will have to continue to engage the government and the opposition in dialogue and action--- including through the exercise of their right to peaceful assembly.

This is why it is utterly disingenuous and dishonest of opposition leaders and some Bersih 3 activists to behave as if nothing has changed for the better since Bersih 2. 

Their vile and vicious condemnation of the changes that have been wrought between Bersih 2 and Bersih 3 ---- changes that they were partly responsible for --- expose them as frauds and hypocrites without any sincere commitment to freedom and democracy. 

Through their politics of deceit and duplicity, they continue to manipulate mass sentiments for their own diabolical agenda.

It is this agenda that is the greatest danger to the nation today.

Dr. Chandra Muzaffar is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Yayasan 1Malaysia.

Petaling Jaya.

1 May 2012.

My comments :  

The Bersih monkeys have no intention of behaving in a civilised maner at all.  Liwat is going to lose the elections. This morning I spoke to Kedah people who say that Liwat will even lose in Permatang Punai. So he is planning to move to a Chinese majority seat in Penang.  Isnt that a joke?

This is the end of the Pakatan.   They are already pre planning for their post election chaos.

Once they lose the elections they are going to accuse the EC, UMNO, the Gomen, Rosmah Mansor,  Upin and Ipin, the girl in the latest bathroom video and maybe Mat Taib's English teacher  as well for conspiring to rig the elections. Then they will riot in the streets again.  

The Bersih monkeys need to explain something : if the elections are not fair, then how do you explain that PAS has ruled Kelantan for 20 years? 

And why did Perak have to go through so much drama to change the Gomen from the Pakatan to the BN? Why not just empty a few gunny sacks of phantom votes and kill the Pakatan's chances once and for all? 

How did the Lembu Condo woman lose to Liwat's daughter? Why not just empty a few more gunny sacks of phantom votes and kill Liwat's daughter's political career as well?  Apa dah? Ini macam kah want to rig the elections?

What kind of vote rigging is this? 

You let PAS rule Kelantan for 20 years. I mean couldnt UMNO have rigged the elections in Kelantan somewhere along those 20 long years? You mean the dictator Mahathir could not have fixed the elections in Kelantan somewhere along those 20 years?  How come? Any rational explanations?  

In 2008, the conspirators let the Pakatan break the 2/3 majority. They let Pakatan win in five States. And they let Pakatan get almost 50% of the popular vote. What kind of vote rigging is this? 

One dunggu said, if UMNO did not rig the elections in 2008, they would have lost. 

I say kawan, so you say UMNO did stuff the votes in the ballot boxes. OK fine. But now you are saying UMNO did not know how many extra votes to stuff in the ballot boxes?  

They stuffed too little of  "extra" votes?  Ya lah, otherwise how did Pakatan break the 2/3 majority? Because UMNO stuffed  too few phantom votes in over 80 Parliamentary seats.  Thats what you are saying. How dunggu can you get?

How do you explain the fact that the Pakatan has failed to show even one Ballot Box anywhere in Malaysia were the number of votes counted was more than the number of people who came to vote?  Until today they have not been able to show any such thing, including the so called postal votes.   How come? Can anyone of you explain? We are waiting for your genius explanation.

And how do you explain the fact that in Permatang Punai, there are houses with more than 50 voters registered in one address? Explain lah cikit? Jangan diam saja.  

How do you explain that the same dictatorial Government has introduced the Internet, introduced broadband and WIMAX with no censorship of the Internet. Malaysia has a most vibrant and totally uncensored Blogosphere. Unfortunately it is Anwar Ibrahim and Rais Yatim who have been going around suing people for one thing or another - to prevent them from talking about things.

And it is official policy of the State Government of Penang (which is DAP / Pakatan controlled) to ban news media that they disagree with from attending their Press Conferences.  Their excuse is very simple : we dont like these media, they write things that we dont like. So we ban them. And these pieces of sh*t say they are democratic. 

It is quite understandable that the Chinese and some Indians want to break the Malay grip on political power in this country. This is understandable. This is a free country. It is your democratic right to vote which ever way you want. 

But that does not mean that you should use all kinds of hypocrite, vile, fraudulent, deceitful, duplicit, diabolical, sodomist, adulterous, corrupt to the hilt thieves  to achieve your objective.  And here is one more - your leader, his boyfriend, the boyfriend's wife (your leader's ex mistress) are all UMNO rejects.  

Some of you have said it point blank in this Blog "We dont care who is screwing who... "  That describes exactly what you are.


Posted: 01 May 2012 09:28 PM PDT

"Paraprosdokian" :  "Figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected; frequently used in a humorous situation."

"Where there's a will, I want to be in it," is a type of paraprosdokian. 

1. Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
2. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list.

3. Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
4. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.

5. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.

6. War does not determine who is right - only who is left..

7. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

8. Evening news is where they begin with 'Good Evening,' and then proceed to tell you why it isn't.

9. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.

10. A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station.

11. I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted paychecks.
12. Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says, 'In case of emergency, notify: I put 'DOCTOR.'

13. I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.

14. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.

15. Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.

16. A clear conscience is the sign of a fuzzy memory.

17. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.
18. Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.

19. There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away.
20. I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not so sure.
21. You're never too old to learn something stupid.
22. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever target you hit.
23. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
24. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
25. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.

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