They shit where they eat!

Posted: 07 May 2012 10:37 AM PDT

Some people do shit where they eat!

They work for the government, 'makan gaji' with the government and took a swear by the General Order to be faithful to their employer and produce the best they can.

Just like the students who managed to continue their study on PTPTN loan and then took to the street asking for free education and demanding for the PTPTN to be abolished!

No denial that some government servants did join Anwar Ibrahim, Ambiga, Kit Siang and others during Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28. But I am not sure if action can be taken against them. Just leave it to the Public Service Dept?

Worse still is when those attached to the GLC and Umno-linked companies also joined the demonstration and later claimed being bashed up by the police!

Read about this two guys here...

I personally think they should find job elsewhere immediately.

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