rocky's bru

rocky's bru

Still Wanted by MACC

Posted: 31 Dec 2013 01:14 AM PST

Still an InSyeder. As a blogger, the year 2013 ends on a cool note knowing that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has re-appointed fellow cyber scribe Syed Akbar Ali as a member of one of its panels. Despite his sometimes harsh criticism of the Prime Minister, the author who runs the popular OutSyed The Box blog has agreed to advise and help our anti-graft men and women as one of the 11 members of the PPPR panel. Syed was first appointed to the panel in 2011 (pls see my posting then Wanted by the MACC: Syed Akbar Ali)
Najib Razak handed the appointment letters to the 25 chosen ones at a closed-door do recently. I was told Syed Akbar could not attend the swearing-in; otherwise, he might have been able to discuss some of the subjects of his criticism with the PM.
I wish Syed and the others all the best, assured in the knowledge that they will serve without fear or favour. 
Members of the three panels (new appointees are in bold):

Complaints Committee
1- Bekas Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan, Dato' Haji Mohd Noor Abdullah (Chairman)
2- Datuk Muhammad Mohd Noor,
3- Dato Wan Abdul Wahab Abdullah,
4-  Ravindran V. Muthu
5- Datuk Amar Wilson Baya Dandot.
6- Datuk Amar Wilson 
Operations Review Panel
1- Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hadenan Abdul Jalil (Chairman)
2- Tan Sri Dato' Cecil Abraham,
3- Datuk Dr Hamzah Kassim,
4- Datuk Zamani Abdul Ghani,
5- Datin Aminah Pit Abdul Rahman,
6- Prof Dr Syed Noh Syed Ahmad,
7- Nik Mohd Hasyudeen Yusoff
8- Walter Doss Sandosam. 
Consultation and Corruption Prevention Panel
1- Datuk Johan Jaaffar (Chairman)
2- Tan Sri Dato' Sri Dr Lim Kok Wing,
3- Datuk Seri Azman Ujang,
4- Datuk David Chua Kok Tee,
5- Datuk Marimuthu Nadason,
6- Dato' Dr Ishak Tambi Kechik,
7- Dato' Professor Dr Engr. Chin Yew  Sin,
8- Dato' Zuraidah Atan
9- Datin Wan Norhiyati Wan Ibrahim
10- Dr Zainal Abidin Abdul Majeed
11- Syed Akbar Ali.


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