Najib's enemies within

Posted: 05 Feb 2013 07:36 AM PST

The opposition threat is something we should be worried of. I think they are getting more organised in certain aspects, especially in spinning BN weaknesses, a well-managed cybertroopers team and in getting attention (if not sympathy) over some boiling issues like 'Allah', Lynas and the water crisis in Selangor and Kelantan.

I believe many of our BN politicians are putting up their best show, not only to counter the opposition's onslaught but also in securing the slots as candidates in the upcoming general election.

Of course the usual would be, those who qualify should deserve it.


Nope, I am not at all worried about the opposition's strength. They have to come up strong in gearing up themselves for the national poll. Furthermore, their leader Anwar Ibrahim is willing to go for broke - either he makes it or retires completely from politics. He already made that promise last year.

My main concern is the people 'within the BN circle', especially some senior government servants. As GE gets closer, they take it for granted that any fresh proposal or a good input by the public should not be attended to.

Why? Since a new regime will be at its helm after the GE - expected between March and June - new policies are not necessary as it will add to their 'already burdensome' duty. A newly set-up government too would mean a new style, new policy and new approach.

I call them the stuck-up and ignorant government servants who are looking forward to the general election by neglecting fresh and better ideas from the public, mainly with regards to improving services of a few sectors.

They refused to accept a good proposal from the public, let alone giving such a proposal a chance for discussions. Those who put forward the proposal will not be given time for presentation. What they will get is a big NO, either from the secretary-general of a ministry, his deputies or other senior officials in charge of the policies.

With high expectation that their ministries would be led by new ministers after the GE, they chose to stay put and wait for the new Cabinet to be sworn in.

What is suppose to be a good governance is now left dangling to rot, with some flip flops and mistakes.

However, it is a common factor that any minister and his sec-gen, deputy sec-gen and other senior officials would not admit any minor error to their work, let alone making public some failures to their policies.

I don't want to single out any minister, sec-gen, ministry or agency but this are the peoples who would contribute to the downfall of PM Datuk Seri Najib's government in the next general election. To them, 'everything was perfect with what they had done and implemented'.

To them, the rakyat should abide by the existing rules and support anything that the government does. Should there be errors or not, they can't complaint.

It is also a usual attitude of the senior civil servants not to admit mistake as it will be translated as their incompetency in carrying out the task given. They also have to cover their boss ass, especially the minister, because as a politician, any adverse impact of the ministry's policy would reflect on the minister.

That is why some officers to the minister have to create lies and 'temberang' about anything, just to please the boss.

It applies well on Umno. When the surface looks good, the actual problem at grassroot level was well-covered up and the reports that reached up to the leadership are mostly lies and fabricated to show that the party is in good order!

Najib is not aware of this. He seems to be all alone up there. The people whom he trusted to bring him the actual news and fact have been dodging him all the while... and this people should get the boot should he remains prime minister after the general election.

Those in-charge of the ministries and agencies do not really go down to the ground to see for themselves as to whether the policy the implement is taking effect and shows good result. What they really care is, once the policy is implemented, it is considered done and achieve target.

Some of them, upon promotion, became complacent and only moves if the minister tells him to move. Even a single para non-policy press statement would have to get approval from the boss, the minister. And by the time the minister approves it two or three days later, the press statement already got insignificant.

PM Najib is not only facing the opposition, he also have the rotten senior government servants as his 'enemies within'. He should be well aware of this threat...


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